Knew You'd Be a Great Mom, Personalized Mother's Day Greeting Card

You were a really great person first. It's your love that unites us, keeps us strong, and reminds us of how much it means to belong to a family like ours. We have so much to be thankful for... because we have you. Personalized caricature based Mother's Day Greeting Card to all the fantastically fantastic moms in your life. These cards that are sure to dazzle your friends, your baby mama and most of all your own mama with your wit, humor and incredibly good taste in Mothers Day greetings.

Personalize it now with your loved ones photos with your own message. This is also available for other occasions and can be personalized as per your requirement.

> Personalized Greeting Card

> 8 x 11 inches, 100 grams

> Printed on premium paper

> Personalized printed envelope

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Knew You'd Be a Great Mom, Personalized Mother's Day Greeting Card

  • Brand: CaricMe
  • Product Code: GME-CRM-001
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rs. 699.00

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